I bought FSPAX after trying both the FSPAX and Air Hauler demo.

Only tehn i knew why the white stuff stopped whwn i closed the offending tank.The plane in use was Eaglesoft Citationx V1.Fspax could be better, but by far a must have for any simmer.You can select Normal Passenger flightTourism / Sight Seeing flightSo its not just for Airliner, but its geared towards passenger flights with everything from ultra light to A380.And another cool thing is, if there is anything you dont like about fspax, go the config and change it, options are limited but still many. In any case checked a/c manual and closed off a fuel tank that seemed faulty, and used fuel pumps to correct fuel was only when i landed and checked the Fspax flight report reading "Fuel Leak during flight " that i realised that other white stuff coming out the back of the plane besides contrails was fuel leaking out one of the plane's tanks. For what its worth, as far as FSX is concerned, FSpax is the Best.Keeps hitting you with suprises, just like FSX.Took off on a flight with small buss jet, and all was well through climbing, and intiial cruise.Then went out in spot view, and along with the contrials i noticed another contrial coming out the back of one engine, but just put it off as part of the high altitude contrial.Went back in VC and noticed i was getting fuel inbalance warning, am no pro so could really figure the picture.