Releases contributed by adastra, Kabushi, Felix Knoke, Wizo, Picard, Rwolf, Sciere, chirinea, Jeanne, Klaster_1, Rainer S, Plok, Xoleras. The beta patch is just a new main executable, with some fixes against online cheats. Two versions of the patch were released one International, and another for the Nordic release. The previous v1.1 IGI 2 patch is required. Separate files for Nordic and UK releases. Note: Separate files for Nordic and UK releases. Project IGI 2: Covert Strike cheats, walkthrough, review, q&a, Project IGI 2: Covert Strike cheat codes, action replay codes, trainer, editors and solutions. V1.1 patch - The patch includes a number of bug fixes and the like, and it also features a brand-new multiplayer map.

Server only, this does not let you play the game. The dedicated standalone server allows you to run a server for IGI-2 Covert Strike without a CD or CD Key.

Players in multiplayer games will have access to their own cash reserves with which to pay for weapons, specialist equipment, and reentering the game after they've been killed.

Operatives will be pitted against terrorists in all the multiplayer games, and objectives will include hacking data satellites, launching space shuttles, bombing oil refineries, and escorting convoys. All five of the different multiplayer arenas have been designed with Counter Strike -style objective-based team games in mind. The game will support up to 16 players online and 32 on a LAN, with full support for all the popular client-matching applications. Codemasters has today released information on the multiplayer features that'll be supported by IGI 2: Covert Strike, which is currently in development at Innerloop Studios.